That person never materialized and I was released into the wild with 5 pens of NovoRapid and 5 pens of Lantus and no idea how to use them, or anything to do the actual poking with. Thankfully my endo appeared in the wild non-diabetic outside world and heaped upon me many many needles with which to cause myself pain. Lantus burn, anyone?
So every year I get an invitation to a birthday party for a small child I have met a handful of times. And I always wonder why it is that, mixed in with the excitement of being able to go to K-Mart and hang out legit in the toy department while I shop for presents, I feel dread when the invitation arrives in my mailbox.
Vaguely, in the back of my mind, I know it means my diaversary is coming up. I don't know why this causes a black, tangled ball of dread to knot in my stomach. Perhaps its because I feel that with every passing year of having diabetes, I am closer to complications. The doctors tell you that a good HbA1c will help to prevent complications, but that's all it can do. Help. There is zero guarantee that I will never develop complications, and the longer you have diabetes, the more time to develop complications in. But that's a downer. I hope that as the years pass, I will be able to watch this beautiful little girl grow up, and not associate it with a reminder of the 1st time I laid a lancet to my index finger. This year, I distracted myself by eating a Tardis Cake which stained my mouth blue for the rest of the day. Pretty awesome stuff. And a good thing to associate this time of year with.
Does anyone else have diaversary reminders?
Happy Birthday Sweetie. And Happy 2 year diaversary to me - starting it with a BGL of 4.5. :)
27 - 03 - 2012
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