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Friday, 28 June 2013

How do I hypo? Let me count the Ways

How do I hypo? Let me count the ways.
I hypo in the 3's and 2's and sometimes 1's as well.

  • Mild hypos, where you feel a niggling sense of being over-hot and a little confused, but you can pop a few of the sweet things and move on without so much a second thought
  • Moderate hypos
  • Giggling hypos, everything is funny
  • The hypos when you're too tired to chew your jellybeans so you start choking on them instead
  • The hypos caused by shopping. Secretly, I think retailers are ok with this, because hypo brain doesn't care about prices and just buys
  • The hypos in the supermarket, where you stand in the vegetable isle looking for the funny vegie that you saw a lady walk past with and you just have to eat it, despite not knowing what it is, and knowing that it probably has negligable carbs.
  • The other hypos in the supermarket where you stand in the lolly isle looking at all the choices you have and buying all or none because you can't make up your mind
  • The other other hypos in the supermarket when you talk to your food and the supermarket guy hears you
  • The hypos where your boyfriend gets frustrated because you take soooo long to chew the jellybean or drink the juice. He usually complains of chest pains afterwards
  • The post-coital hypos, when you would rather be cuddling
  • The hypos caused by hot showers, where you feel about to pass out due to a combination of hypo and heat, and your 1st instinct is to get dressed incase so whoever comes to your rescue doesn't find you passed out naked
  • The hypos that take an hour to come out of
  • The hypos where you just keep dropping, so you eat and eat and in the end you want to vomit, which might result in another hypo
  • Olympic hypos, caused by seeing the Aussie team compete
  • Exercise hypos, which you don't recognize until late, and then you have to hobble home slowly so as not to exasperate it
  • The hypos that happen everytime you are running late to something that starts dead-on-time
  • The end of the day hypos, which only happen after long days at work when you can't wait to go home. At least you're prepared and have a gameboy hiding in the car for such occasions
  • The hypos when you burst into tears and cry about that day 9 years ago when your fish died, and how you really miss him
  • Cold weather hypos
  • Hot weather hypos
  • Post-correction hypos
  • Pig-out hypos, when the noms take over and all of a sudden you find yourself surrounded by empty chip and chocolate packets, with jam donut smeared over your forehead
  • Multiple hypos

Saturday, 15 June 2013

Long Time, No Blog

I need a break! I think right now I have definitely bitten off more than I can chew, and diabetes has taken a back seat. Oddly levels seem to have coped well and have ALL stayed in range, except for the spike to 14.2 tonight because my partner kept passing me sneaky M&Ms in the cinema which I didn't bolus for. 

In the past 2 days alone I have: gone to work, ducked for a house inspection, gone back to work, caught up with one of the most amazing ladies on earth for Chocolatey Goodness, went to my 2nd job of the day, Crawled into bed and died, woke up and then somehow fit 4 house inspections all across the South Side of Brisbane into 1 1/2 hours whilst battling low blood sugars, seen a play of the Phantom of the Opera across town with another amazing Chikadee, gone out for a date night with my leading man and watched "After Earth" and finally come home to relax. 

This just starts my month! Tomorrow I'm driving to the Gold Coast for a birthday lunch for my brother. With cheesecake as a dessert! Yumm yumm.

And so the hecticness will continue, with a medieval banquet next weekend (I get to wear medieval clothes and be all pretty like!) and the following weekend Hugh & I will be braving the chills in Jervis Bay for some sort of a family reunion on his side. 

After that diabetes will be able to squeeze itself back into the picture for my new pump start. In the end, after weeks of comtemplation between Animas & Medtronic, I opted for Medtronic as I already owned the CGMs equipment for it, amongst other things such as the ability to get an external remote and being able to customise skins (I have designed quite a few and just have to pick one to get made now). I've chosen the purple Medtronic & will name it Lewis: The Purple People Eater. I'm very excited. 

Speaking of customisable skins, I ordered a very pretty skin for my Verio IQ! I love it and it helps me want to test...I show it off to everyone, even the non-betics.

I'll have a week to play with my shiny new pump before I ship off to Melbourne for the Connect-In diabetes camp, so that weekend I guess I won't really have an excuse but to try my diabetic best! I'm very much looking forward to this, especially for the chance to connect to other D's. I hope I can grub up some exciting diagnosis stories (I love these so much!). I've never been to Melbourne before so I took an extra day off work and will go down early to see the sights before getting serious with D.

Whilst all this is going on I have to find and move houses; I'm not looking forward to all the packing and cleaning and organising on work days as I don't have weekends to do it. Arghh just thinking about this is going to send me crazy!  

I've pretty much had to abandon D360 this week due to all my running around and things like my fathers birthday dinner, catch ups with friends and everything else already mentioned. I'm sure I gained back the whole 3kgs I lost in the 1st week. Honestly I may have to wait awhile before attempting this again. I also want to start up at a gym, but again that will just have to hold on - probably until after September as Hugh & I have only recently booked our plane tickets to Japan for most of September - so I guess I should organise that as well!

Finally, I'm crazy and decided I don't have enough on my plate so I started SEQ Young Diabetic Catch-Ups, which is based on doing activity days for young adult diabetics who are in the South East Queensland Region during one of our catch-up days. With all that's happening the 1st one is set to be held at the end of July, after Hugh & I should have been comfortably settled into our new rental property for a good week and a half. Pop over to the Facebook and send us a message if you're interested! I will also see if I can advertise the dates/times/locations/etc, on sites like JDRF, where I think they have a meet up section, as well as Reality Check, for those that don't have Facebook. I'm very excited about this group though and I hope it will get people in the D community more active and involved - we'll see. It's also for all types of D, as I've seen that for some reason we are segregated from each other in the diabetes community. Everybody needs support, plus you might learn something else about D you never knew before.

Bring on October and a chance to breath!!! 

Monday, 3 June 2013

Starting D360

I finally took the leap and signed up for one of those health & fitness programs. Starting small on one of those internet ones. Even better, an internet one run by a fellow T1D.

I got into the swing of it a bit yesterday and cut back my snacking. Which I did. I'm not expecting to be able to do everything at once, just so we're clear. I find I can easily achieve my goals if I work at 1 thing at a time.

So yesterday was all well and good. Went to measure myself, decided it was too cold, so I'll do that tonight. I will probably also complain that it is too cold tonight to put the measuring tape against my skin.

Anyway, today I got up, ate my UNhealthy breakfast of cereal...and chocolate milo cereal at that.(One of the D360 nono's). I had already decided pretty much straight away that the guideline of no cereal was going to be ignored. Just not changing from that. After 23 years you can't tell me to eat anything different for breakfast. Brain does not compute for a prep time of more than 1 minute for breakfast. Even toast takes too long.

I looked online at the list again of nono's, which included all white carbs. It listed my entire food vocabulary. People provided suggestions for what I could replace my white carbs for. In the end I decided with not eating carbs, rather than try new things. I don't do new things. If I haven't eaten it before, I won't start now.

One of the other participants had told us about her delish sounding breakfast of tomato and salmon and spinach and some other thing I had no idea what the crap was. I would eat the spinach. That's it. We're probably getting the picture that I'm a fussy eater right about now. Sad face for me because her breakfast really did sound amazingly yummy.

I did a little better at lunch and had leftover chicken and veg stirfry where the only carb was corn, which is probably white, but seeing as its yellow I will happily ignore that and continue to eat it. 1.5 hours later and I was feeling a little funny. Check BG 3.9, first number below 4 in about 2 months (since the Chris incident). Was happy cos it means that I can probably cut down my basal rate at this time, which is what I am aiming for with the program. Weight loss would be a bonus. Ate 3 jellybeans to combat hypo & walked across to plaza to buy a toner. Hypo returned with a vengeance. No idea what the number was, didn't have my kit on me. Left that at work. Anyway, hypo brained me ruined everything in my feeling like death state and I somehow managed to gurgle out that I wanted a white hot chocolate and indicated to some sort of cake at Gloria Jeans. Scoffed both.

Went to my aunties for dinner and had a very vegetable based spag bol. It had pasta but I wasn't too worried as I just filled up more on meat and veg than the pasta. Besides, its Winter. I probably  definitely should not have started a program like this in comfort food season. But then I remember I don't want to look fat in photos when I go to Japan in September, so will stick with it anyway.

Left Aunties. Sent home with a bag cookies. So I guess today is cheat day. Hot choc and cookies, here I come. We'll try again tomorrow.